Veronika's father, Alexander Stefanovich WASINGER (1894-1937), Russian (evidently
there were Germans among his ancestors), was born in Krasnoyarsk.
In the 1920s and 1930s he worked as a teacher in Kazachinsk; in 1936 he and his family moved to Krasnoyarsk, where he joined the administration of the BUMSTROY (paper and cellulose combine) and worked there as a bookkeeper until August 1936.
His home address was: Bumstroy, house 61, apartment 3.
The Communists arrested him at night on the 05.11.37. They searched the house, but did not take anything away - no books, no letters, no photographies -, just two gold coins (10-rubel coins) and his passport, which was kept in the archive records. The order for his arrest was issued (under file reference 47/11) on the 03.11.37.
This decision also applied to approximately 20 other persons. They were accused of being members of a "counter-revolutionary, White Guards organization". Alexander Stefanovich did not accept this accusation. He answered questions of the investigator referring to this with "no" (the minutes that were made during these interrogations are kept in the archive records).
He was sentenced upon the decision of the UNKVD Troyka of the Krasnoyarsk region (Administration of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs) of the 02.12.37 - the secretary of this Troyka was POTAPOV - and shot by a firing squad in KRASNOYARSK on the 03.12.37 at 23.00 h. With him they sentenced and executed
He was posthumously rehabilitated (probably together with the other victims mentioned above) by the Military Court of the Siberian Military District on the 10.05.57.
Nov. 29, 1992, recorded by V.S. Birger, Krasnoyarsk, "Memorial" Society
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