Beginning of September 1941 the Volga German family SCHAUFFLER was deported by the Soviets from MARXSTADT, Autonomous Republic of the Volga Germans:
In MARXSTADT A. SCHAUFFLER worked in the Komsomol District Committee (= Young Communist League).
The exiles disembarked in KANSK and were driven to the district of IRBEY.
A. SCHAUFFLER's family was taken to the village of TALOYE, south of IRBEY, situated between the Kan and Kungus rivers. Along with them they also sent about 20 other families from the Autonomous Republic of the Volga Germans to TALOYE.
In January 1942 A. SCHAUFFLER was called up into the "Trud-Army", to the KRASLag (probably somewhere in the district of Ilansk). In that camp he worked as a lumberjack.
A few times his wife walked on foot from TALOYE to the camp, where her husband served his sentence. She succeeded in handing him small parcels.
A. SCHAUFFLER was released from the KRASLag in 1946 or 1947 and returned to the family in TALOYE. During the exile their daughter Hedwiga (1948-1998) was born.
The exiled Germans were released in January 1956. Later, A. SCHAUFFLER's family moved to Irbey (district town). A. SCHAUFFLER and E. SCHAUFFLER were rehabilitated by the Information Center of the Ministery of the Interior in the Saratov region on 08.12.93.
Mar. 02, 2000, recorded by V.S. Birger, Krasnoyarsk, "Memorial" Society