In 1932 some members of a ship's crew, who had come over to the USSR from Germany, decided to stay there and build up socialism. Among these seamen was a young man from Berlin, Gerhard-Karl Alwinovich SCHEINEMANN (1913-1938).
He settled down in BAKU; however, he did not work for the fleet anymore, but took up a job as a film mechanic. Here he married a girl.
Having familiarized himself with the "attractions" of Soviet life, he realized the error he had committed and decided to return to his home country, but his wife did not want to leave her parents behind.
G.-K. SCHEINEMANN was arrested on 04.10.37. Under torture he signed whatever he was accused of, and on 19.10.38 he was sentenced by the Troyka of the Azerbaidzhan Socialist Soviet Republic on section 68 (= 58-6), espionage. He was executed in BAKU by a firing squad on 22.10.38.
He was posthumously rehabilitated by the Supreme Court of the Azerbaidzhan Socialist Soviet Republic on 15.08.64.
Apr. 18, 1995, recorded by V.S. Birger, Krasnoyarsk, "Memorial" Society