Alexandra's father, Rudolf Yakovlevich LISCHKO (or LESCHKO), 1890-1945, Austrian, was born in Vienna. He graduated from university in Germany (either Berlin or Leipzig) and had a perfect command of not less than six languages. During World War I he had to join the forces; afterwards he ended up in Russia (it is possible that his whole unit surrendered and all soldiers became prisoners of war), came to Siberia and stayed there. In the 1920s he lived in the village of Tertyezh (today Mana district, 10 km away from Kamarchaga station). There he got married. Late in the 1920s he moved with his family to KRASNOYARSK, Lenin Street 122 / Gorkiy Street. He worked as head of an affiliate (or department) of the district carriers for the transpor-tation of food-stuffs not far from his home.
The Communists arrested him at home on the 08.02.38, during the lunch break. However, they did not search the house.
On the 23.05.38 the "Dvoyka" (commission of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs and the Department of Public Prosecution of the USSR) sentenced him to 10 years on section 58-10 (counter-revolutionary agitation). Evidently, they gave his wife the permission to see him in prison shortly after. He told her that they would send him to KOLYMA for a period of 10 years. Later, in 1940, his wife received a letter from him from OROTUKAN, where he worked in a mine. These were the last news from him.
According to the information of the Magadan district UVD (Administration of Internal Affairs) Rudolf (J.) LISCHKO was sent away from the SVITL (North-Eastern or Far-East reform labour camp) to the region of Khabarovsk (evidently by an invalid transport). In accordance with the information given by the Khabarovsk UVD he died in the settlement of START, KOMSOMOLSK district (on the river Amur - today Khabarovsk region) on the 30.10.45. Cause of death - incurable cardiac defect.
Rudolf (J.) LISCHKO was rehabilitated by the RSFSR Supreme Court on the 12.11.60.
Nov. 6, 1993, recorded by V.S. Birger, KRasnoyarsk, "Memorial" Society,
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