Statement of a victim of repression
Volgograd Region
Palasovsk District
Village Strassburg
Mother – Rechert (Rächert?), Lidia Genrichovna, born in the village of Strassburg, Volgograd Region, Palasovsk District in 1911; worked for the kolkhoz farm. Died in 2000.
Father – Rechert, Adam Yegorovich, born in the village of Strassburg,
Volgograd region, Palasovsk District; worked as a combine driver and
mechanisator. Died in 1960.
Brother – Fedor, born in 1937; Aleksander, born in 1939; Viktor, born in 1951;
Vladimir, born in 1954.
Fedor lives in Krasnoyarsk, he is married.
Aleksander also lives in Krasnoyarsk, he has two children.
Andrei Rechert lives in Sukhobuzimo, he is married. His daughter Natalia Livkovskaia lives in Krasnoyarsk.
Aleksander lives in Sukhobuzimo; he has two daughters – Tatiana and Olia.
Vladimir lives in Krasnoyarsk, he is married and has two daughters – Valia and Natasha.
I have no idea what they repressed us for.
They took us to Shoshkino. Later, they relocated father from the village of Shoshkino to Minderla and assigned him an apartment (early in February 1942). In March he was mobilized to Sverdlovsk, where he stayed until 1950; he returned home in July. In Minderla father worked for the machine and tractor station. Later the station was divided into several departments and the whole family removed to Sukhobuzimo.
We had no friends, and nobody decided to help or support our parents.
Fedor finished the Tractorists’ School and was working as a tractorist, until he left for Krasnoyarsk.
Aleksander had a job with the electrical power supply station of the region. He worked there as an electrician, until he left for Krasnoyarsk.
Viktor was working for the sovkhoz all his life. Vladimir worked for the chemical combine.
They did not expect anybody to help them.
Two events are deeply memorized: when father returned from the war and when the war was over – then we were beaming with joy.
If I were able to start my life from the very beginning, I would see to receioving a decent, if possible higher education.
The above material was arranged by the Sukhobuzimsk Museum of Local Lore.