In September 1941 the Communists deported the German family LANGOLF (kolkhoz farmers) from the village of KIND, canton UNTERWALDEN, Autonomous Republic of the Volga-Germans:
At KAMARTSHAGA station, district of MANSK, in the KRASNOYARSK region, they had to get off the train. One year later they were moved to SYKOVO station in the district of SOVYETSK (today BERESOVSK), near Krasnoyarsk.
In 1942 or 1943 F. LANGOLF escaped from his place of deportation. He lived for some time in hide-outs and, according to rumours, died from dropsy. His younger son lost his life in a train accident.
H. LANGOLF was released from exile, together with her son and daughter, in 1956, however, she stayed to live in SYKOVO.
Feb. 28, 1995, recorded by V.S. Birger, Krasnoyarsk, "Memorial" Society