On 18.03.42 the Communists deported from the colony of NOVOSARATOVSK, in the district of PRIGORODNY, region of Leningrad (which is today the BSEVOLOZHSKY district), on the right bank of the river NEVA, opposite the Rybatsky prospect, the German family (kolkhoz farmers):
They disembarked in KRASNOYARSK on 18.04.42 and had to hand over their passports; then they were sent to the KANSK district, to the village of NIKOLAYEVKA and kept there in exile until the summer. In July 1942 they were driven back to KRASNOYARSK, forced on board the steamship "Ordshonikidse" and taken to the north.
Ch. WALISER and his family had to get off at ISKUP in the district of TURUKHANSK. Another deported family - they also were from NOVOSARATOVKA - went with them:
Apart from that, no-one else disembarked there. Whole ISKUP consisted of two little huts. The deportees were sent fishing. Both families stayed in ISKUP until 1956, the year of their release from exile. They were freed on 04.02.56, and all of them received passports.
Ch. WALISER, as well as his wife and children, were rehabilitated by the Main Admini-stration of Inner Affairs for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region on 21.11.97.
June, 10, 1998, recorded by V.S. Birger, Krasnoyarsk, "Memorial" society