Under international law deportations for reasons of national indication are considered as being a variety of genocide. Thus, a period of limitation is not being applicable, exactly as it is not applicable for crimes against mankind. By the way, in Russia not a single person involved in these crimes ever appeared before court.
We have to specify that, firstly, deportations for reasons of national indication did not necessarily correspond to the ethnic structure of the exiles and, secondly, were absolutely not of any common nature. The reasons for this were mixed families. If, for example, a Russian woman refused to give up her husband, - a Finn or a Volga German, she was forced into exile and put under "special registration" (military command), exactly like her husband and children. Vice versa, women of an "anti-Soviet" nationality were usually not hit by such events, as long as they were the wives of "ethnically acceptable" husbands.
The first common deportation in the USSR for reasons of national indication was the deportation of Far-East Koreans in Middle Asia in 1937 and 1938. Our region was not affected by this deportation.
Exiled "Soviet"-Germans were only deported to our region from the Autonomous Republic of Volga-Germans (1941) and from Ingermanland (1942, together with Finns). In this survey both streams will be treated separately. Besides, in 1945, Ukraina-Germans, "repatriates" from Germany (s. section 7.3), were exiled to our region. Deportations of Germans from the Crimea and the Donetsk-Basin, the North-Caucasus and the Lower Volga Region (Kamyshin, Sarepta) were directed into different regions. Similar observations can be made on the deportations of the Crimea-Asov Greeks, as well as the deportations of Greeks in the late 40s.
Not a single stream of exiles from the Crimea, not a single stream of exiled native peoples from the North-Caucasus, except for the Kalmyks, came into our region.