All Soviet prisoners of war were submitted to a "filtration" (loyalty check) in special camps (PFLs), which was carried out partly in Germany, Austria and Poland, partly on the territory of the USSR. From these camps some of the "filtrated" were released and allowed to go home or sent back to the army, others were exiled for a period of six years or issued a paper saying that they were put to a term of confinement in a camp.
Some of the prisoners of war who ended up in our region and had been exiled for a period of six years passed through filtration camps outside our region. But in most of the cases known to us they were directly taken to Krasnoyarsk from abroad, to the PFL of the 8th camp sector of the Norillag. This happened in the summer or autumn of the year 1945. It is possible that yet another PFL was run within the Norillag, namely in Norilsk. In the Krasnoyarsk PFL, among others, there were released prisoners from the PoW camp in Trondheim (Norway).
In this PFL (like in any other filtration camp on the territory of the USSR) the persons to be "checked up" were detained for approximately one year and used for different kinds of work during the entire period of time. Then, in July-September 1946, many of them were "given the written order" for six years' internal exile while others were let off. Those who had been exiled to six years were taken from the PFL to different places: some stayed in Krasnoyarsk, some were sent to the districts of Yenisseysk or Rybnoye, others were, immediately or later, taken into exile to other regions, to Irkutsk, for example.
In our region there was yet run another PFL, organized by the Kraslag, to be more precise in Pokanayevka (district of Nizhneingash). There they unloaded a complete trainload of prisoners from a PoW camp in Denmark late in the summer 1945. Those who were written out the order for six years' internal exile, spent their term of exile there, not far from the Kraslag.