Approximately as of April 1948 they ceased to release political prisoners after the expiration of the period of detention (as they had done before, when they had received passports upon their release). Now they were dispatched into exile via a transport under escort, of course.
These kind of exile transports were not carried out straight to their final destination, but via a transit prison. Upon arrival in the region of exile (Krasnoyarsk in our case) the exiles were also put into prison at first, into a transit cell.
One, two days or a week later "takers" came to the prison in order to buy slave laborers, and they took along to their enterprises those exiles found fit for work: to building sites, mines or timber processing industries, this time without escort. Those exiles who were refused by all "buyers" were usually sent into kolkhoz farms. At the place of internal exile the former prisoners were put under military command. During the first years they had to appear for a check twice or three times a month, from 1953 only once a month.
But for those who were directly sent from the camp into exile, no OSO legalized the formalities: the "A" department of the Ministery of State Security in Moscow, to which all camps had previously sent lists with the names of prisoners, merely issued them an "order." On this order form was usually written only the region of exile; the exact place of exile had already been determined by the local administration of the Ministery of State Security "without any formalities."
Upon their release from the Norillag and the Gorlag many were sent into exile not far from the camps: correspondingly to Norilsk, Dudinka, Kureyka, Podtyosovo, to a sovkhoz named "Taiga" (a subsidiary farm attached to a factory of the Norillag), to Krasnoyarsk (upon release from the 8th camp sector of the Norillag). Other prisoners of the Norillag and the Gorlag, who had been "set at liberty" were sent into internal exile as they used to say at that time, "to the tundra": to settlements on the Taymyr peninsula or to places of geological exploration. We do not know about a single case that people from the Norilsk camps were sent into exile outside the Krasnoyarsk region.
Upon their release from the Kraslag many "Naryadniks" were usually kept in exile in our region as well (although there apparently were exceptions, which were occasionally linked with the places of exile of their families).
"Naryadniks" were deported into our region from entirely different camps: from Inta and Vorkuta (Minlag, Rechlag, Vorkutlag), from the Pechorlag, from Mordovia (Dubravlag), the Urals (Ivdellag, Sevurallag), from Kazakhstan (Karlag, Peschanlag and Steplag), from Omsk (Kamyshlag), from the Novosibirsk and Kemerovo (Siblag) regions, and even from the Lower Amur. Particularly many "naryadniks" were deported into our region from the Irkutsk region:
from the Ozerlag and the Angarlag. We do not know about any cases of deportation from the Kolyma camps into our region. However, they have recorded a few strange cases, such as the deportation from the Vorkutlag to Dudinka (on the habitual way, i.e. through the transit prison in Krasnoyarsk).
The deportation of "naryadniks" to our region did not cease before late in 1955. A few individual cases have been recorded from February and even March 1956.
"Naryadniks" with a short term of exile (5 years or less) were released in the summer and autumn of 1954, on the basis of the "Voroshilov" (in fact, this was the Beriya) amnesty, although this happened with one year's delay. All remaining "naryadniks" were released from exile in April 1956.