In June 1948 appeared the famous ukase (decree) "on the non-fulfilment of labor-day units", an ukase by means of which labor on the kolkhoz farms, as a matter of fact, was officially declared as forced labor.
And thus they started to track (one could also say hunt) after "malicious shirkers" from compulsory labor on the kolkhozes. In view of this action the local heads, on one side, were obliged to reach the quota (the number of "shirkers" stipulated by Moscow), which was often realized to the disadvantage of mothers with infants; on the other side they gladly seized the opportunity to get rid of unpleasant and obstinate persons, as, for example, a seriously disabled front-line soldier, who had refused point-blank to become chairman of the kolkhoz farm. By ukase he was sentenced to exile for an eight years' term.
From our region they carried through deportations to the north-western districts of the Khabarovsk region. And into our region they deported people from the Volga region, from the Kursk and Belgorod regions. One of the places where convicts with an eight years' term were sent to was Dudinka, others are not known to us.
Up to the present those who served an eight years' term in exile have not been granted rehabilitation: the Chief State Office of Public Prosecutor decided early in the 1990s that this kind of exile was to be classified as a "non-political repression". The question of what is the difference between the refusal to work on a kolkhoz farm and the refusal to join the kolkhoz (which often was a reason for using repressions early in the 1930s) remains without any explanations from the side of the Public Prosecutors.