This deportation was based on a remarkable ukase "On loafers". This decree was applied straight out: the people were dismissed from work and immediately sent into exile for being "loafers," "idlers". This campaign was mainly carried through in the years 1962-1964.
By decree they mainly exiled into our region activists from religious communities: Jehovah's Witnesses, Adventists, Pentecostal Church. From Krasnoyarsk people were taken away to the Angara River, to the Kezhma district, and from Khakassia to the district of Tasseyevo, to the Troitsk saltworks.
They also used to carry out deportations from outside our region, mainly people who were pursued because of their faith: thus, they sent hundreds of families of True Orthodox Christians into exile to Yenisseysk and Maklakovo. However, among those who had been exiled by the "Khrushchov" decree and sent into our region also were "poets, musicians, artists": thus, Vladimir Bachev, the well-known Moscovian writer from the "Smogovskiy district, was exiled to Bol'shoy Uluy (today he lives in Frankfort on the Main).