On the 16th of October 2003, from 11 a.m. till 13 p.m., the Krasnoyarsk "Memorial" Society and the Main Administration of Public Education of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Administration organized the regional ceremony of the rewarding of the studenrs of the higher grades, who took part in the 4th All-Russian Historical Research Contest "Man in history. Russia. 20zh century" (in Kirov Street 24).
The contest was called into being in 1999 by the International Society of Historical Education, Human Rights and Social Welfare "Memorial", the Council of Local History and Geography of the Russian Academy of Education, the Department of Regional History, Local History and Geography of the Russian Humanitarian State University (RHSU) and the Center of Oral Historic Tradition of the RHSU.
The aim of this contest was to inspire young people to occupy themselves with "recent" history, with just the history which passed into their families, towns and villages, i.e. into the very sphere of life called the history of daily occurrances, and to understand the meaning of man in history by responsibly doing historical research work on their own.
This year 2960 papers from 1024 towns and settlements were sent in for the contest. More than 60% were from smaller towns, settlements and villages. The majority of these papaers was dedicated to the history of families and the subject "Man and war", whereby there were more and more papers, which were dealing with participants and victims of "little" wars - the Afghan and the Chechnian.
Students from Krasnoyarsk sent in 146 papers altogether. 9 of them ranged among the hundred best; two were included in the list of those 40 contest participants, who were awarded a prize. Today the finalists and prizewinners of the contest were honoured in the House of Public Education, and many of them arrived from distand districts of the region together with their teachers. They were presented T-shirts, books, methodical literature and other gifts; moreover, the Krasnoyarsk participants of the contest, who succeeded to pass through the 1st and 2nd rounds, were awarded diplomas.
At the end of the ceremony students and teachers had the opportunity to visit the Museum of the Bodies of the Interior of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Main Administration of Domestic Affairs and to meet with the head of the Department of Special Funds of the Information Center of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Main Administration of Domestic Affairs - Tatiana Dmitrievna Atamanova.
The Krasnoyarsk "Memorial" Society was founded on the 9th of March 1988. The society is endavoring to honour the memory of the victims of political repressions in the USSR and to restore their rights.
The Krasnoyarsk "Memorial" Society is part of the International "Memorial" Society.
Contact: Tel. 65-13-85, memorial@maxsoft.ru - Alexey Babiy
During the registration
Awarding of the diplomas
The participants of the contest are welcomed by the "Solovushka"
General photography
(the fill-size picture (400 KB) can be looked at here)
Visiting the Museum of the Bodies of the Interior
Meeting with the head of the Department of Special Funds of the Information Center of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Main Administration
of Domestic Affairs - T.D. Atamanova