The hall is full of people.
These people had to stand and suffer a lot ...
Irina Gubanova (on the left) intensively has been studying the history of
minor prisoners in fascist camps for five years. Her scientific work „The war
did not break their hearts“ reached the finals of the All-Russian competition
„Man in history. Russia. 20th century“. Now this subject represents the
basis of her scientific work at the faculty of history.
Candles are lit in memory of the deceased.
The „Buchenwald alarm bell“ is heard.
Tatiana Lvovna Rossovskaia, chairwoman of the Krasnoyarsk regional department
of the All-Russian Union of former minor Prisoners of former Concentration Camps
is very happy: the book was finally published.
Former minor prisoners of fascist camps lay a wreath at the memorial for the
victims of political reprisals.
Photos and text: Alexey Babiy