The Sixth All-Russian historical competition for students of the upper grades has come to an end

The Sixth All-Russian historical competition „Man in history.
Russia – 20th century“ for students of the upper grades has come to an end.
3520 papers from 1289 towns and settlements were received.
Practically all (85 out of 89) regions of Russia were represented in this
competition. The region of Krasnoyarsk brought in 165 papers (thous occupying
forth place in measured activitiy in Russia), 70 of which passed the first
round. 36 papers came from the Republic of Khakassia, 13 of which were selected
into the secon round as well.
Four papers from Krasnoyarsk and one from Khakassia passed
the third selective procedure (representing the 100 best papers):
- Zhanna Bogdashina from Krasnoyarsk („What does
one’s homeland start with“)
- Yevgeniya Kosolapova from the villsge of
Kazantsevo, Shushensk district („Soldier of an unknown front: hero or
- Yekaterina Podolitchenko from the settlement of
Tanzybey, district of Yermakovo („The war and the people“)
- Vera Ritter, Nadezhda Chuyeshova from the
village of Mezhovo, Sayansk district („Did they forget about anyone?!“ Documents
and memoirs about the inhabitants of the village of Mezhovo, who died during the
Great Patriotic War“)
- Anastasia Safronova, Liudmila Shelomentseva
from the settlement of Shira („The election of Ivan Solovev and Arkadiy
Golikov – at the crossroads of two epochs“)
Dimitriy Merikin from the settlement of Novaya Syda,
Krasnoturansk district, became one of the prizewinners - he ranked third with
his paper „Hurrah – marched the soldiers“. His treatise was among the 55 best.
The winners, with Dima Merikin among them, were invited to Moscow from May 4th
to 8th to take part in the final discussions and the presentation ceremony.
On May 19th the regional presentation ceremony for the
participants in the competition will take place in the municipal Pioneer and
Student Palace.

Dima Merikin in Moscow

Presentation ceremony. Dima – we are proud of you!
The organizers of the competition:
- the International „Memorial“ Organization of
historical illumination, social welfare and human rights,
- the Council of local history and geography of
the Russian Academy of Education,
- the professorate of regional history and
geography and
- the Center of oral tradition of the Russian
State Humanistic University
The competition was supported by:
- the regional social organization „Open Russia“
- the foundation „Remembrance, responsibility and
future“ (FRG),
- the Ford Foundation (USA),
- the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation (FRG)
Subjects of the competition:
- Man and War. The price of victory
- Family history
- People like us – strangers. A different
nationality, a different religion, different convictions
- Personality and society
- Man and authority
- Man and his native village