On the 27h of May 2005, at the Khakassian republican-national boarding school (N.F. Katanov Secondary School), took place the regional presentation ceremony for the participants of the Sixth All-Russian Historical Competition for students of the higher grades “Man in history. Russia – 20th century”.
The participants of the ceremony
The participants of the Republic of Khakassia are
presented by Viktor Abdin,
secretary of the Khakassian “Memorial” Organization
On the stage – the participants from Sayanogorsk
Khakassian Folk Dance
Many good works came from the Yermakovsk district,
Krasnoyarsk region
The participants of the Shushensk district, as usual,
performed particularly well
The winners of the competition – Dima Merikin and Tatiana
Alexandrovna Merikina
The Khakassian “Wall of weeping”: a memorial to the
hounour of the victims of reprisals
“Bereginya” (“The Guardian”) – monument to the honour of
the Ukrainian special resettlers
… and the man, who we owe this monument to, in spite of
all adversities:
the chairman of the Sayanogorsk “Memorial” Organization –
Oles Greg (left)