On October 29th, at 11 am, a methodic seminar was held in the premises of the Krasnoyarsk Museum Center, for researchers dealing with the subject of “Political persecutions in the USSR”.
11.00 – Opening of the seminar
11.10 – Review lecture on the variety of documents kept with the Regional State Department of the Interior concerning persons, who were persecuted for political reasons: T.D. Atamanova, Information Center of the Krasnoyarsk Regional State Department of the Interior
11.20 – About the exchange of experience with regard to the cooperation in partner projects, such as the project of the Krasnoyarsk Museum Complex of Culture and History “Remembrance of the heart”: G.A. Prikhodova, deputy chairman of the board of the KMCCH
11.30 – Partner projects of the Rybinsk Museum of Local Lore: V.D. Taishikhina, director of the Rybinsk Museum of Local Lore, district of Rybino
11.40 – About the history and human rights expedition of the Yeniseysk College of Pedagogics: M.V. Kholina, headof the history section of the Yeniseysk College of Pedagogics; I.N. Moiseeva, head of the editorial and publishing center of the Yeniseysk College of Pedagogics
11.50 – The social policy of the state in connection with the special contingents (1940-1950):
Y.L. Zberovskaya, lecturer for the Krasnoyarsk State University of Pedagogics
12.00 – The history of the resettlement of the Volga Germans to Siberia during the Great Patriotic War: Zh. A. Serzhanova, lecturer for the Siberian State University of Technology
12.10 – The history of the politically persecuted Jews in Siberia: S.M. Shenberger, member of the “Gaskala” national-cultural autonomy
12.20 – Polish citizens in the Krasnoyarsk region between 1939 and 1946: O.L. Podborskaya, chairman of the regional Siberian-Polish Cultural Association
12.30 – Polish clergymen as victims of political reprisals. Explanation of the facts regarding this subject on the internet: A.A. Adamenko, student of the Krasnoyarsk State University of Pedagogics
12.40 – Experiences resulting from the collectedmaterial on repressed geologists by means of the so-called “Geologists Affair” (1949-1953): V.I. Savluk, Doctor of geology and mineralogy of the Krasnoyarsk State University of Pedagogics
12.50 – About the specific work of the school museum: N.V. Zubova, head of the school museum, Novosibirsk
13.20 – About the experiencs resulting from the work of the school museum with regard to the subject of “Victims of political reprisals (persecuted teachers)”: S.N. Filimonova, teacher of the secondary school No. 11 in Krasnoyarsk
13.30 – The Great Terror committed on the elite of the Krasnoyarsk region: A.S. Ilin, Doctor of historical science of the Krasnoyarsk State University
13.40 – The role of history in the fate of A.M. Stotik, student of the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Agriculture: G.N. Antonik, director of the museum of the Krasnoyarsk State University of Agronomy
13.50 – The sufferings of the writer Cherkasov: G.A. Tolstova, head of the special department of the Krasnyaoersk Regional Museum of Local Lore
14.00 – Creation of a museal educational program based on documents and other collected material about repressed clergymen: N.I. Zhdanova, scientific co-worker of the KMCCH
14.10 – Present-day problems in the field of human rights: V.S. Vedenkov, head of the Information Center of Human Rights
14.20 – Presentation of a methodic compact disc to study the history of political reprisals in the Krasnoyarsk region: A.A. Babiy, chairman of the regional social organization “Krasnoyarsk Memorial Organization of Historical Illuminaion and Education, Human Rights and Charity”
14.30 – About the problems to study the fate of the KarLag prisoners: V.P. Botkin, deputy chairman of the Novosibirsk coordination council of the Novosibirsk “Memorial” organization
14.40 – About informative projects of the Tomsk “Memorial” organization: Y.V. Yakovlev, deputy chairman of the Tomsk “Memorial” organization
14.50 – About perspectives of a cooperationbetween the KMCCH and the International Coalition of Historic Site Museums of Conscience: V.N. Bondareva, deputy chairman of the board of the scientific section of the KMCCH
15-16 – Round table conference on the “Outcome of the seminar”