According to the report of IA “Press-Line”, the campaign “Write a letter to the physician Valentin Danilov” has started.
The campaign was organized by the “Coalition of Public Organizations in Krasnoyarsk”, in cooperation with representatives of the “Organization of Respectable Citizens”, the People’s Labour Union of Russian Solidarists, the Federation of Trade Unions of the Krasnoyarsk Region, the “Krasnoyarsk Eco-Union” and a number of human rights’ organizations. As the organizing parties declared, the campaign aims at the demonstration of moral support and solidarity by “sending Valentin Danilov as many letters as possible, in a situation, in which he is not given the slightest possibility to apply his knowledge and experience to the benefit of the society; furthermore, the campaign is to confirm him in his understanding that he is not left alone, while being at the mercy of the authorities, to show the Main Federal Prison Administration in the united territory of the Krasnoyarsk region Valentin Danilov’s public importance and to induce them to give him the possibility to make use of his knowledge and experience to the benefit of society to its full extent”.
According to the information of the National News Agency, the campaign “Write a letter to the physician Valentin Danilov” is carried out on the initiative of Aleksander Shvedov, deputy of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Legislative Assembly.
The deputy mailed a letter to journalists and politicians of the Krasnoyarsk region, in which he explained his proposal in details. According to his words “the physician Valentin Danilov, who was sentenced by judges of the Russian Federation for supposed treason (he passed “secret” information, which are known to the whole world since long, to China) to 13 years of imprisonment is presently being kept in the penal institution (corrective camp) No. 16, in the settlement of Gromadsk, district of Uyar, united region of Krasnoarsk”.
In his letter Shvedov stated that “it is the aim and intention of the corrective penal system, which was reintroduced by high-ranking government officials of the Russian Federation, to punish and sentence respected citizens of Russia, such as Valentin Danilov, again and again. He is no traitor of his country”.
At present Valentin Danilov is serving his sentence in the common zone with anintensified regime, without having the possibility to apply his knowledge and experience to the benefit of the society. This means that Valentin Danilov, having already spent one year in this penal institution, will slowly but surely be broken, fully conscious of the fact that there is no way of using his scientific knowledge and experience. And this will ruin him physically, as well”.
Shvedov takes the view that “the citizens of the region must not abandon Valentin Danilov in the depths of despair, grief and humilitation”. He therefore proposes all to take part in the campaign “Write a letter to Valentin Danilov”. The campaign aims at the demonstration of moral support and solidarity by “sending Valentin Danilov as many letters as possible, in a situation, in which he is not given the slightest possibility to apply his knowledge and experience to the benefit of the society; furthermore, the campaign is to confirm him in his understanding that he is not left alone, while being at the mercy of the authorities, to show the Main Federal Prison Administration in the united territory of the Krasnoyarsk region Valentin Danilov’s public importance and to induce them to give him the possibility to make use of his knowledge and experience to the benefit of the society to its full extent”.
Mail address of the penal colony:
663913, Krasnoyarskiy krai,
Uyarskiy rayon,
pos. Gromadsk,
Valentin Vladimirowich Danilov