On May 6th, from 12 to 14 o’clock, the regional presentation ceremony to the students and teachers, who participated in the 7th All-Russian history competition for students of the upper grades “Man in history . Russia - 20th century” is going to take place in the House of Workers’ Education (24, Kirov Street). The cermony will be attended by the 100 authors and project leaders of the best works from the whole region.
It is the aim of the competition to arouse young people’s interest for “tangible” history, which is firmly “embedded” in the fates of their families, towns and villages, so that they learn to understand the meaning of man in history by researching historical events on their own. In their works the authors observe the historical memory of Russia, the memories of farmers and workers, remembrances about war atrocities and events which happened in times of peace. The authors collected a number of unique documents: war diaries and autobiographical notes written by farmers, memories of victims of reprisals, as well as photos taken at the fronts of the Great Patriotic War.
The competition is part of the international “Eurostory” network, which unites 16 European history competitions.
3229 works took part in the competition; they came from towns and settlements practically situated all over Russia. 94 works were from Krasnoyarsk Territory, 48 of which passed into the second round. 62 works were received from the Republic of Khakassia, 17 of which reached the second round, as well.
Three of the Krasnoyarsk works succeeded to reach the third round (the 100 best):
Yelena Balavadze (city of Turukhansk, Center of Childrens’ Culture “The Stork”, project leader Svetlana Sergeyevna Zubova) was one of the winners of the competition. Her work “The construction project No. 503 – Stalin’s railroad line on the territory of the Turukhansk district” was among the best 40.
Organizors of the competition:
Further information are available with: Aleksey Babiy, chairman of the Krasnoyarsk “Memorial” organization. Tel. 65-13-85, memorial@maxsoft.ru