On the 16th October 2006, at 2 p.m., the presentation of the third and forth volume of the Books of Memory published in commemoration of the victims of political reprisals in Krasnoyarsk Territory is going to be held in the projection room of the Krasnoyarsk Museum Complex of Culture and History.
The Book of Memory is published in accordance with a resolution of the Governing Board of the region of Krasnoyarsk; it is financed by money from the regional budget. The present edition is the result of the common efforts of the archives agency, the affiliate of Social Welfare of the Krasnoyarsk regional administration, the regional State Archives, the Krasnoyarsk “Memorial” organization of historical illumination and education, human rights and charity, the Krasnoyarsk office of Federal State Security, the Main Administration of the Interior. the Public Prosecutors of the Krasnoyarsk region and “Izdatelskie Proekty” Publishers.
The third volume of the Book of Memory comprises about 6000 biographic details on Krasnoyarsk citizens, who were under investigation in the Krasnoarsk region and whose surnames start with the letters “D”, „E“, „Zh“, „S“ and “I”, as well as informative material, scientific and journalistic articles. The forth volume is dealing with biographic materials related to surnames beginning with the letter “K”.
Under the rule of the Soviets about 60.000 people were charged and sentenced for political reasons. As from August 23, 1937 to July 15, 1938 alone were executed approximately 11.600 people, 5.440sent into camps. The Krasnoyarsk region became a “prisonof peoples” in the true sense of the word – more than 500.000 special settlers were deported here in cattle waggons, damned to do slave labour and die a painful death. Volga and Ukraine Germans, Pontic Greeks, Lithuanians, Letts, Estonians, Ukrainians, Finns, Cherkess, Poles, Belorussians, Russians, Kalmucks … - thousands of prisoners served their sentences in the Kraslag, Norillag, Gorlag, the Yeniseystroy and other camps.
The edition will be distributed to the libraries and museums in the region.
After the presentation, the film “The shooting gallery supervisor or a remorseful sin” (produced by Yuriy Afanasev-Shirikov) about repressions of the 1930s in Minusinsk, will be shown.
Additional information are available from the Archives Agency of Krasnoyarsk Territory (Olga Robertovna Sordiya, Tel. 27-33-93), as well as the Krasnoyarsk “Memorial” organization (Aleksey Babiy, Tel. 65-13-85, e-mail: memorial@maxsoft.ru).