On May 21, at 2 pm, the presentation of a new enlightenment project of the “Memorial” Organization will be held in the premisses of the Krasnoyarsk Museum Complex of Culture and History (Strelka). It is the very first event within the project, dealing with the presentation of the book “My beloved wife!…”: Sergei Sedov. Letters from exile”.
In 2007 the international “Memorial” Organization is starting a new enlightenmentproject. In the course of three years there will be a series of regularly carried out discussions and other events of enlightenment in various Russian regions, organized by the regional “Memorial” branches. We intend to encourage people to discuss questions and problems of common social importance and awaken in our fellow citizens a feeling of responsibility towards the history and presence of the country.
The project has a symbolic character, for it is being started exactly 70 years after the “great Terror”, called “the year 37” in common parlance. Questions about how we nowadays recall the state terror and GULAG system of that time, why people once again start to adore Stalin, why citizens are being neglected and fall into oblivion – belong to the most essential issues of our enlightenment and educational work; they represent themain topics of the planned discussions.
In 2007 the Krasnoyarsk “Memorial” Organization will organize an exhibition about the “Great Terror” in Krasnoyarsk Territory and carry out a research seminar on this subject; there will also be a discussion about “How do we feel about remembering the state terror of those times today?”.
In general, however, the subjects of discussion will not always correspond with “Memorial’s” traditional thematic material. Thus, there are plans (for the period of 2007-2008) to carry out discussion about the issues: “”Strange” or “different”?, “History and policy”, “Terrorism and extremism – real and apparent menaces”, “Civil society and state institutions – partners or opponents”, “Chechnia as a particular aspect of today’s history of Russia: Fight of the elite or conflict of peoples in post-Soviet times?”.
The enlightenment and education project starts in Krasnoyarsk with the presentation of the book “My beloved wife..:!”: Sergei Serov. Letters from exile”.
Aleksey Babiy
Chairman of the Krasnoyarsk “Memorial” Organization
Tel.: 65-13-85, E-mail: memorial@maxsoft.ru