167 lectures were held in seconary schools and institutions of higher education on the subject: “Relations between different nations in Russia in view of the Caucasean war. Patriotism, tolerance in today’s Russia”. 10258 individuals took part in the subsequent discussions (909 in Krasnoyarsk, 8803 in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and 546 in Yekaterinburg).
Furthermore about 10 lectures were dealing with the subject matter of “Camps in the Krasnoyarsk Territory”, “ Women in the GULAG”, “The Great Terror”.
Participation in a round-table discussion: “Lessons learned from history. The events in Prague in 1968”.
In line with the “Memorial” discussion project the following subjects were discussed:
Our exhibitions can be visited all over the region:
83 papers came from Krasnoyarsk Territory, 47 of which reached the second, 3 the third round. One of the papers won the competition.
30 papers were sent from participants in the Republic of Khakassia, 14 of which were admitted into the second, 1 into the third round.
Three regional award ceremonies took place – in Krasnoyarsk, Shushenskoe and Yermakovskoe.
Fifth expedition of history and human rights, organized by the Yeniseysk College of Pedagogics and the Krasnoyarsk “Memorial” Organization. Students of the history classes interviewed victims of repressions in the village of Novokargino. On the results a lecture was given in Kansk on the occasion of the Dahl lectures.
We created electronical photo archives of about 20 GB in size. Practically all photos gathered by the Krasnoyarsk “Memorial” Organization are now available in electronic form in a high-grade scanning quality.
Creation of an electronic film library. Practically all films which have been kept by “Memorial” in VHS or 35 mm quality up to the present, now exist in electronic form, ready to be copied. Number of materials on our website – more than 7800.
• 17.07.08 The little horse nicknamed Stalin
• 22.01.08 Maria Mishkina.A scandal was created in Krasnoyarsk due to certain
• 24.01.08 Eduard Rusakov. Hunting for the witch
• 21.02.08 Aleksei Tarasov. Reds and Whites were painted over with “vochra”
(wordplay between “ochra” (ochre) and Vokhr (Internal Guard for the Protection
the Republic; translator’s note)
• ??.02.08 Denis Chirkov. No man – no problems?
• 05.03.08 Death of a tyrant. Happiness, agony and hope
• 05.03.08 Igor Klebanskiy. A blood-red spring with cleft hope
• 13.03.08 For the sake of commemoration
• 16.05.08 History of a family – history of a country
• 06.06.08 Liudmila Dubakova. Novel “Trailing Lobelia” translated into German •
10.06.08 Reprieve commission thoroughly checks the conditions of detention of
inmates of penal colonies in Krasnoyarsk
• 01.08.08 V.F. Semochkina. People from Kuragino attending to local history and
geography visited Moscow
• 06.08.08 Maria Mishkina. “Archipelago GULAG” in miniature size
• 10.08.08 Aleksei Tarasov. Funeral feast at home or Samaya Kromka (a) name of
a hamlet, b) in the meaning of: “at the ultimate edge”; translator’s note)
• 25.09.08 Eduard Rusakov. The sustained echo of civil war
• 30.10.08 Pavel Lopatin. Section 154 (§ of ther Criminal Law; translator’s
• 30.10.08 Mass meeting in Krasnoyarsk in commemoration of the victims of
• 30.10.08 Opening of the photo exhibition “August 1968. Bratislava” in
• 31.10.08 Maksim Kochetkov. Events in commemoration of the victims of political
repressions held in Krasnoyarsk
• 01.11.08 Eduard Rusakov. No commemoration – no freedom
• 07.11.08 Aleksei Babiy. Dealth penalty between polar myths
• 07.11.08 Aleksei Tarasov. Stalin’s “Road of Death” to be revived
• 20.11.08 Aleksei Tarasov. A human being of premium class
Funds were received for four projects in 2008:
All projects were completed successfully. They were all subject to funding.