Krasnoyarsk. 24.09.2016 Krasnoyarsk V.P. Astafev State University of
Pedagogics, Faculty of history
10.00 - 12.00 – S.À. Krasilnikov. «Discrimininations as prologue and concomitant
phenomenon of the repressions in early-Soviet society (1920ies – 1930ies)“
12.00 -12.15 coffee break
12.15 - 13.00 Questions and answers
13.00 - 13.30 Y.L. Zberovskaya „Problems with regard to the legal situation of
special re-settlers in the memoirs of former special re-settlers (based on
material obtained from historic-juristic expeditions)“.
13.30 - 14.00 À.À. Babiy „About people mentioned in the Book of Memory in
commemoration of the victims of political repressions in Krasnoyarsk Territory,
who were deprived of the right to vote“.
The seminar is carried out in line with a grant, which the International „Memorial“-
Organization received by the OOD „Civil dignity“ (promoted by the President of
the Russian Federation).
S.À.Krasilnikov holds a speech
In V.P. Astafev‘s Museum House
Gift of the Krasnoyarsk „Memorial“ – The Book of Memory in commemoration of
the victims of political repressions in Krasnoyarsk Territory, where you can
find notes about V.P. Astafev’s father and grandfather.
ASTAFEV, Pavel Yakovlevich, born in 1880 in the village of Ovsyanka,
administrative district of Shalinsk, Krasnoyarsk county, Yenisseisk governorate.
He was resident of this village. Was unable to read and write sufficiently. He
worked on his own farm. They arrested him on 08.07.1931. He was charged under §§
58—10, 58—11 of the RSFSR penal law. A three-member board of the court of the
plenipotentiary representation of the OGPU of the East-Siberian Region sentenced
him on 01.04.1932 to a 5 years’ imprisonment in a reform labor camp. He was
rehabilitated on 14.06.1991 by the public prosecutor of the Krasnoyarsk
Territory (P-19099).
ASTAFEV, Piotr Pavlovich, born in 1902 in the village of Ovsyanka, the
Krasnoyarsk Territory. He was resident of this village. He worked on his own
farm. They arrested him on 08.07.1931. He was charged under §§ 58—10, 58—11. A
three-member board of the court of the plenipotentiary representation of the
OGPU of the East-Siberian Region sentenced him on 01.04.1932 to a 5 years’
imprisonment in a reform labor camp. He was rehabilitated on 14.06.1991 by the
public prosecutor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (P-19099).