За период до 1937 г. Л. Зорин (см. Библиографию, стр. 530) насчитал более полусотни опубликованных вне Советского Союза работ, описывающих советскую концентрационную действительность. После чистки 1937 г. не видеть ее мог лишь тот, кто не хотел.
1. NAUDEAU, L., „Five months in Moscow prisons". Current History Magazine of the New York Times (Oct. 127-36 & Nov. 318-21).
Memoirs of French newspaperman, who had been arrested by the Soviet government in Moscow in July 1918 for anti-Soviet utterances in his French paper, the Journal de Russie. Later he war exchanged, with other Frenchmen, at the Finnish border for a certain number of Russian prisoners.
2. KALPASHNIKOV, A., Prisoner of Trotsky's. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday. 287 pp.
Author war the member of the American Red Cross mission to Rumania. He was arrested and spent five months in the fortress of St. Peter ans St. Paul. Many of his accounts are based on eye-witness stories.
3. MENGDEN, W. von., „Secret letters from a Bolshevist prison". Atlantic Monthly, Boston, 127 (May), 673-83.
Member of an ancient noble family of Livonia, he was imprisoned at Riga in 1919 by the Bolshevist government and set free in May 1919 when Riga was taken over by the Baltic militia. The letters written secretly from the prison to his sister and friends describe Bolshevist jail conditions.
4. PASVOLSKY, L., „Soviet prisons". Current History Magazine of the New York Times, 14 (July), 672-77.
Report on how the Russian government fills its prisons with the Czar's former rebels. Account of the „Che-Ka's" work. The „Hostage" system. The case of Victor Chernov.
5. DENIKIN, A. I., „My arrest and imprisonment". Living Age, Boston, 313 (July 17), 689-94.
6. DAVYDOVA, N.. Polgoda v zakijucenii; dnevnik 1920-21. Berlin. 142 pp.
7. GROSECLOSE, E. E., „Prisons of despair; an experience in the Russian Cheka". Atlantic Monthly, Boston, 132 (Dec), 833-44.
A story of an American, who returned from Tabriz, Persia. Crossing the Caucasus, he war arrested by Russians for having gold, which was considered contraband. He was accused of being a spy, but released after a short time.
8. ARONSON, G., „Socialisty v tjur'me". Na cuzoj storone, 6, 201-24.
Description of the Butyrki prison in 1920-1921.
9. MEL'GUNOV, S. P., Krasny; terror v Rossii. Berlin, 2d ed.
Research study with documents the author collected when he lived in Russia.
10. ORZEXOVSKIJ, V., „Stranicka «Krasnogo terrora»." Na cuzoj storone, 8, 99-108.
Memoirs of 1918-19 in the Vitebsk prison.
11. ARONSON, G., „Iz zapisok tjuremnogo starosty". Na cuzoj storone, 9, 57-89.
Memoirs from the Orlov prison. Description of living conditions in 1920-21.
12. ARONSON, G., „Skitanija". Na cuzoj storone, 10, 157-80. Memoirs. Describes transfer from Orlov to Moscow prison and exile to Lithuania.
12a. Letters from Russian prisons. Ed. Alexander Berkman; Publ. for the International Committee for political prisoners. New York: A. & C. Boni. 317 pp. Reprint: Hyperion Press. 1977.
Consists of reprints of documents by political prisoners in Soviet prisons, camps, and exile, and reprints of affidavits concerning political persecution in Soviet Russia, official statements by Soviet authorities, excerpts from Soviet laws pertaining to civil liberties, and other documents with introductory letters by 22 well known European and American authors, secured by Isaac Levine.
13. STEPANOVA, P., „V zenskoj kamere osobogo otdela".
Na cuzoj storone, 12, 88-112.
The character study of women whom the author met in the Bolshevik prison.
14. MALSAGOFF, S. A., An island Hell: a Soviet prison in the Far North. Transi. F. H. Lyon. London: A. М. Philipot. 223 pp.
Memoirs of author who escaped in 1925 after more than a year in the Solovki.
15. BESSONOV, J. D., Dvadcat' sest' Tjurem i pobeg s Solovkov. Paris: Imprimerie de Navarre, 277 pp.
French: Mes 26 prisons et mon evasion de Solovki. Paris: Payot. 288 pp.
English: My twenty-six prisons and my escape from Solovetsky. London: J. Cape, 1929. 228 pp. Memoirs of officer of the Solovetski Islands. He escaped from the camp of Kem.
16. MEL'GUNOVA-STEPANOVA, P. E., Gde ne slysno smexa. Paris. 191 pp.
Fragments of memoirs, 1917 - 1922. From the first days of the Revolution, arrest, Lubianka, trials.
17. SCHIRVINDT, E., Russian prisons. London.
Small pamphlet by the former chief of Soviet prisons sketches the ideological approach to crime and punishment in the early Soviet period and the blueprints of penal organization and living conditions in the prisons.
18. ARONSON, G., Na zare krasnogo terrora. Berlin. 238 pp. Memoirs. Author's arrest in 1918 and his experience in various Bolshevik prisons until his exile in 1920.
19. CEDERHOLM, В., In the clutches of the Tcheka. Transl. F. H. Lyon. New York: Houghton. 349 pp.
The author, a Finn, went to Russia in 1923 to try and make trade connections for a South American firm. He was arrested and sent to a concentration camp in the Arctic region.
20. „Martyrdom of Soviet political offenders". Literary Digest, 104 (Jan. 4), 14-15.
The story of 18 Soviet prisoners who fled from the Solovetski prison in Northern Russia, and made their escape into Finland.
21. CERNOVA-KOLBASINA, O. E., Vospominanija о sovetskix tjur'max. Paris: Parizskaja gruppa sodejstvija partii s. r.
22. CIKALENKO, L., Solovec'ka katorga. Warshawa. 72 pp. Documents. Biographies of Ukrainian prisoners and their sufferings in Soviet labor camps.
23. DUCHESS OF ATHOLL. The conscription of a people. London: Philipp Allan.
Scholary volume on the early stages of industrialization and collectivization in Russia. Reveals a good understanding of the forces labor system as an integral part of the Five Year Plans.
24. ECCARD, F., „Le travail force en Russie Sovietique". La revue hebdomadaire (Apr. 25), 457-72.
Author is a French senator. The work contains letters written by British and Norwegian sailors who had been in the Russian North. Also letters from Russian prisoners, former officers, and priests.
25. FAIRBURN, W. A., Forced Labor in Soviet Russia. New York: Nation Press Printing Co. 107 pp.
26. Forced Labour in Russia? Facts and documents. London: British-Russian gazette & trade outlook, Ltd. 47 pp.
A collection of letters, articles and documents dealing with condition in Soviet timber camps.
27. JURCENKO, V.,Sljaxami na Solovki. Lvov. 231 pp. Memoirs of first days of Bolshevik revolution and Civil war; arrest and deportation to the Solovki concentration camp.
28. JURCENKO, V., Iz soloveckogo pekla na volju. Lvov: Cervona kalina. 287 pp.
Author's memoirs of escape from Northern Siberia.
29. MEL'GUNOV,S., „Cekistskij Olimp". Bor'ba za Rossiju Nos. 212, 214.
30. PIM, A. & BATESON, E., Reports оп Russian timber camps. London
31. A selection of documents relative to the labour legislation in force in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. London.
32. „Soviet death corridors". Literary Digest, 109 (May 2), 16. The report of Vasili Chebanov, a special correspondent of the Parisian weekly Détective, on mass executions in the Soviet Union, based on accounts from escapees.
33. ZAICEV, I. M., Solovki; Kommunisticeskaja katorga, ili mesto pytok i smerti. Shanghai. 164 pp.
Personal account of history of the Solovki concentration camp from 1923. Geography, administration, tortures, sketches, living conditions.
34. KLUGE, E., Wahrheit uber Sowjet Russland. Leipzig: R. Streller. 159 pp.
35. CHERNAVIN, V., „Prison life in USSR". The Slavonic and East European Review, 12, No. 34 (July), 63-78.
An article on conditions of prison life in the USSR in 1930-31.
36. ESSAD-BEY (LEO NOUSSIMBAUM). OGPU - the plot against the world. Transl. from German by Huntley Paterson. New York: Viking Press. 301 pp.
Traces of the history and development of the Cheka, its organization, tactics, training, etc.
37. Out of the deep. London: G. Bles. 96 pp.
Letters from Soviet timber camps, with an introduction by Hugh Walpole.
38. CHERNAVIN, V., „Life in concentration camps in USSR". The Slavonic and East European Review, 12, No. 34 (Jan.), 387-408.
Description of life in Solovetski camp.
39. TCHERNAVIN, T., Escape from the Soviets. Transi. N. Alexander. New York: E. P. Dutton. 320 pp.
The story of the author's escape to Finnland with her husband and her 13-year old son through the Arctic marsches and forests.
40. TOLSTAIA, A. L., I worked for the Soviets. New Haven: Yale University Press. 254 pp.
A personal memoir of Tolstoy's daughter who stayed in Russia for more than ten years after the Revolution trying to carry out her father's work. She suffered imprisonment and hardship, suspicion and persecution before leaving the country.
41. AUERBACH, L. & OTHERS. Belomor: an account of the construction of the new canal between the White Sea and the Baltic Sea. New York: Harrison Smith & Robert Haas. 344 pp.
Same: The White Sea canal, being an account of the construction of the new canal between the White Sea and Baltic Sea. M. Gorky: London: Lane. 356 pp.
An example of „group composition" which tells of the fate of the political prisoners who built the Canal. The project itself cost the lives of over 100,000 workers.
42. KITCHIN, G., Prisoner of the OGPU. New York: Longmans. 336 pp.
A detailed, factual record of imprisonment in the Soviet Union for four years. The author, a Finnish businessman, had been employed by British companies in Russia before the war. Returning under the New Economist Policy he represented a New York company. In 1928 he war arrested on a charge of espionage. After 18 months in Leningrad prisons, he was sent to a penal camp.
43. Red gaols. London.
Same: German: Olga Dmitrievna. 18 Jahre die Sovietherschaft. Vienna, 1936. Enlarged edition. 224 pp.
Memoirs of a woman whose name could not be revealed at the time (apparently the daughter of a prerevolutionary diplomat) who was arrested in 1923, spent over eight years in prisons and concentration camps, including the Solovetski Islands and Belomor Canal camps. She was freed in 1932 and left Russia in 1935.
44. REMPEL, J., Der Sowjetholle entronnen. Kassel.
The life of exiles in Archangelsk. Often confused and inaccurate.
45. TCHENAVIN, V. V., I speak for the silent. Transi. N. M. Oushakoff. Hale, Cushman & Flint. 368 pp.
Author's account of his work as a scientist in a Northern fishing center, of his arrest and the long months during which the GPU tried to wring a „confession" out of him, of his sentence to five years hard labor, and of the conditions of the prisons and concentration camps in which he was held.
46. ANZEROVA, A., Aus dem Lande der Stummen. Breslau. The author was in Russian prisons from 1924 to 1933. Describes the lot of women, practices of self-mutilation, and other aspects of life in the labor camps.
47. GOUL, R., Dzerzinskij. Paris: Dom Knigi. 1st ed. 2d ed. New York: Most. 1974. 162 pp.
French: Les Maitres de la Tcheka. Histoire de la Terreur en URSS, 1917-1938. Paris: Les Editions de France, 1938.
History of Communist terror shown in biographies of three heads of Soviet secret police Tcheka: Dzerzhinsky, Menzhinsky, Yagoda. (In 2d edition Yagoda is omitted).
48. GREIFE, H., Zwangsarbeit in der Sowjetunion. Leipzig: Nibelungen Verlag. 47 pp.
49. KISELEV-GROMOV, N. I., Lageri smerti v SSSR. Shanghai.
Written by a former offerer of the White Army who later entered the service of the GPU and escaped in 1930.
50. NIKOLAJEW, P., Bauern unter Hammer und Sichel. Berlin: Nibelungen. 411 pp.
The author as a prisoner went through various labor camps -Volga, Karelia, etc. Memoirs.
51. RUSSINOV, A., Die grosse Tauschung. Berlin. 317 pp.
The author lived in Archangelsk and observed the life of prisoners and deportees.
52. ZAJCEV, I. M., Cetyre goda v strane smerti. Shanghai: Partija Rossijskix Nacionalistov. 144 pp.
A personal account of a well-known Major General of the Imperial and later, White Army, who emigrated to China in 1920. Wanting to fight Communists from the inside, he asked the Soviets for amnesty, which was granted to him, and returned to the USSR in 1924. After two months in Moskow, he was arrested, accused of being a foreign agent, and imprisoned on Solovetski Islands where he spent four years before he escaped.
53. FELTHEIM, O., „Po sovetskim tjur'mam". Sovremennye zapiski, 65, 323-46.
The author, a Finn, moved to Russia for the sake of idealism in 1924 and became disillusioned. He wanted to return to his homeland but the Soviet authorities kept him prisoner from 1930 to 1935.
54. SCHWARZ, A., In Wologda's Weissen Waldern. Altona. The author, a Volga-German deported to an NKVD settlement in the North, reports on the living conditions of the exiles, on their attempts to get help from relatives in Germany, their illness, and the great number of casualties.
Den' vraca v konclagere. Sofia: Golos Rossii
1. Словари, лексические работы, энциклопедии
Bets, V. - Bosiatskii slovar'. Odessa, 1903 (in Horbatsch).
Bol'shaia sovetskaia entsiklopedia, 3 izdanie. Moskva, 1970-1978.
Breitman, G. - Prestupnyi mir. Ocherki iz byta professional'nykh prestupnikov. Kiev, 1901.
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Russia & Soviet Union. Cambridge, London, New York...
Dal', V. - Tolkovyi slovar' zhivogo velikorusskogo iazyka. S.-Pbg -Moskva, 1912.
Esterreicher, К. - Jezyk zloczyncow (5 statei in Gazeta Polska, Warszawa, Oct.-Nov. 1867).
Fabrichnyi, P. - Iazyk katorgi. Moskva, 1923.
Regon, A. - Za predelami russkikh slovarei. London, 1975.
Galler, M. and Marqess, H. - Soviet Prison Camp Speech. A survivor's Glossary. Wisconsin, 1972.
Galler, M. - Soviet Prison Camp Speech. Supplement. Hayward, 1977.
Horbatsch, O. - Russische Gaunersprache. Frankfurt/Main, 1978 (cf. Bets, Popov, Vinogradov).
Lebedev, V. - Slovar' vorovskogo iazyka (in Vestnik politsii, S.-Pbg, 1909).
Likhachev, D. - Cherty pervobytnogo primitivizma v vorovskoi rechi (in Iazyk i myshlenie, Leningrad, 1935).
The Modern Encyclopedia of Russian and Soviet History. Edited by L. Wieczynski. Blacksburg, Virginia, 1976-198...)
Ozhegov, С - Slovar' russkogo iazyka. Moskva, 1963.
Popov, V. - Slovar' vorovskogo i arestantskogo iazyka. Kiev, 1912 (in Horbatsch).
Skachinskii, A. - Slovar' blatnogo iazyka. New York, 1982.
Slovar' sovremennogo russkogo literatupnogo iazyka, 1-17. AN SSSR, Moskva-Leningrad, 1950-1965.
Tonkov, V. - Opyt issledovania vorovskogo iazyka. Kazan', 1930.
Trakhtenberg, V. - Blatnaia muzyka: zhargon tiur'my. S.-Pbg., 1908. Reprint Munchen, 1978.
Vasmer, M. Russisches etymologisches Worterbuch. Heidelberg, 1953 -1957.
Vinogradov, N. - Slovar' solovetskogo uslovnogo iazyka. Solovki, 1927 (in Horbatsch).
Wheeler, M. - The Oxford Russian-English Dictionary. Oxford, 1984.
2. Советские периодические издания
По техническим соображениям вся библиография дается латиницей.
Ezhenedel'nik V.Ch.K. (1918).
Ezhenedel'nik sovetskoi iustisii.
Gazeta Vremennogo Rabochego i Krest'ianskogo Pravitel'stva (Petrograd, 1917-1918).
Izvestia deputatov... (s posleduiushimi izmeneniami).
Partiinaia zhiżn'.
Pravda. Organ TsK VKP(b)-KPSS.
Proletarskaia revolutsia.
Sovetskaia Rossia.
Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo.
3. Советские кодексы, сборники законов и др.
Brandenbuggskii, Ia. (red.) - Sistematicheskoe sobranie zakonov RSFSR, 1-2, Moskva, 1928.
Ispravitel'no-trudovoi kodeks RSFSR, 1924. Moskva, 1928.
Ispravitel'no-trudovoi kodeks RSFSR, 1933. (SU 48:208,1933).
Ispravitel'no-trudovoi kodeks RSFSR, 1960. (VR 51:1220,1970).
NB: см. перечень декретов и постановлений, приведенных на стр. 3
Kommentarii k osnovam ispravitel'no-trudovogo zakonodatel'stva SSSR i soiuznykh respublik. Moskva, 1972.
Osnovy ispravitel'no-trudovogo zakonodatel'stva SSSR i soiuznykh respublik. Moskva, 1969.
Rukovodiashchie nachala po ugolovnomu pravu RSFSR. Moskva, 1919.
Sobranie postanovlenii pravitel'stva RSFSR (1938 - 1949). Moskva, 1950.
Sobranie uzakonenii i rasporiazhenii rabochego i krest'ianskogo pravitel'stva RSFSR (1917 - 19387. Moskva, 1950.
Sobranie zakonov SSSR (1923-1937). Moskva, 1950.
Ugolovno-protsessual'nyi kodeks RSFSR, 1922 g. Moskva, 1923.
Ugolovno-protsessual'nyi kodeks RSFSR, 1926 g. Moskva, 1957.
Ugolovno-protsessual'nyi kodeks RSFSR, 1960 g. Moskva, 1977.
Ugolovnyi kodeks RSFSR, 1922 g. Moskva, 1923.
Ugolovnyi kodeks RSFSR, 1926 g. Moskva, 1956.
Ugolovnyi kodeks RSFSR, 1960 g. Moskva, 1970.
Vedomosti Verkhovnogo Soveta RSFSR.
Vedomosti Verkhovnogo Soveta SSSR.
4. Общие труды
Abramovitch, R. - Les prisonniers politiques dans la republique des Soviets. Bruxelles, 1932.
Antonov-Ovseenko, A. - The Time of Stalin. Portrait of a Tyranny. New York, 1981.
Avtorkhanov, A. - Proiskhozhdenie partokratii. 1-2. Frankfurt/Main, 1973.
Avtorkhanov, A., -Tekhnologia vlasti. Frankfurt/Main, 1976.
Artem'ev. V. - Rezhim i okhrana ispravitel'no-trudovykh lagerei MVD. Munchen, 1956.
Atholl, Ochess of - The Conscription of a People. London. 1931.
Barton, P. - L'institution concentrationnaire en Russie (1930-1957). Paris. 1969.
Baynac. J. et al. - La terreur sous Lénine (1917-1924). Paris. 1975.
Beek, F. ans Godin, W. - Russian Purge and the Extraction of Confession. New York. 1951.
Berman, H. - soviet Criminal Law and Procedure. The RSFSR Codes, Cambridge. Mass. 1966.
Bloch, S. / Reddaway, P. - Psychiatric Terror. New York, 1977.
Borkenau, F. - Socialism National or International. London. 1942 (?)
Buchanan, A. Marx and Justice. The Radical Critique of Liberalism. Totowa, New Jersey. 1982.
Bunyan, J. - The Origins of Forced Labor in the Soviet State. Baltimore, 1967.
Chalidze, v. - Ugolovnaia Rossiia. New York. 1977.
Conquest, R. - The Great Terror. Stalin's Purge of the Thirties. London. 1965.
Conquest. R. - Kolyma: the Arctic Death Camps. New York, 1978.
Conquest, R. - Justice and Legal System in the USSR. New York. 1968.
Conquest, R. - The Nation Killers: the Soviet Deportation of Nationalities. London. 1970.
Conquest, R. - The Soviet Police System. New York, 1968.
Cranshow, E. - Russia by Daylight. London, 1951.
Dallin, D. and Nicolaevski, B. - Forced Labor in Soviet Russia. New Haven. 1947.
Fainsod, M. - How Russia is Ruled. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1970.
Fainsod, M. - Smolensk under Soviet Rule. Cambridge. Massachusetts. 1958.
Fireside, H. - Soviet Psychoprisons. New York and London, 1979.
Galinski, A. - Soviet „Justice". „Show-Place" Prisons. Washington. 1960.
Gerson, L. - The Secret Police in Lenin's Russia. Philadelphia, 1976.
Gluckmann. A. - La cuisiniere et le mangeuer d'hommes: essai sur les rapports entre l'Etat, le marxisme et les camps de concentration. Paris, 1975.
Gzovski. V., Grzybowski, K. - Government. Law and Courts in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. London. 1955.
Heller, M. - The World of Concentration Camps and Soviet Literature. London, 1974.
Herling, A. - The Soviet Slave Empire. New York. 1951.
Iakovlev. B. - Kontsentratsionnye lageri SSSR. Munchen, 1955.
Isaev, M. - Osnovy penitentsiarnoi politiki. Moskva, 1927.
Jasny. N. - Labor and Output in Soviet Camps (in Journal of Political Economy. 1951/59, Oct., 405-519).
Jushkovskii, V. - Sovetskie kontsentrasionnye lageri 1945-1955 gg. Munchen, 1958.
Kiseliov-Gromov - Death Camps in the USSR. Shang-hai 1936.
Krasnaia kniga V.Ch.K. pod red. P. Markitsiana. Moskva, 1920.
Kriegel, Annie-Les grands proces dans les systeme communistes. Paris, 1972.
Kropotkin, P. - In Russian and French Prisons. New York, 1971.
Kuznetsov, E. - Status sovetskogo politzakliuchennogo (in Kontinent 1980/26).
Latsis, M. - Chrezvychainye Komissii po bor'be s kontrrevoliutsiei. Moskva, 1921.
Latsis, M. - Dva goda bor'by na vnutrennem fronte. Moskva, 1921.
Leggett, G. - The Cheka: Lenin's Political Police. Oxford, 1981.
Lenin, V. - Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, 5 izdanie. Moskva, 1967-1970.
Levin (Levine), I. - Gulag i Zapad (in Kontinent, 1976/9).
Lewytskyi, B. - L'inquisition rouge. Da la Tcheka au NKVD. Paris, 1968.
Lobas, M. - (Stat'ia v Zhurnale Vrach, S.-Pbg, 1895/37).
Lopato, T. Sbornik uzakonenii i rasporiazhenii po tiuremnoi chasti. Spravochnaia kniga. Perm', 1903.
Losev, P. i Ragulin, G. - Sbornik normativnykh aktov po sovetskomu ispravitel'no-trudovomu pravu (1917-1959). Moskva, 1959.
Maksimov, V. - Sem' dnei tvoreniia. Frankfurt/Main, 1971.
Markitsiian, P., - sm. Krasnaia kniga V.Ch.K.
Martschenko, V. - Offener Brief an zwei ostdeutsche Journalisten... (in Frankfurter Allgem. Zeitung, Dezember, 1976).
NcCauley, M. - The Russian Revolution and the Soviet State 1917 -1921. Documents selected and edited by. London, 1975.
Nekrich, A. - The Punished Peoples. New York, 1978.
Medvedev, Zh. i R. - Kto sumasshedshii? London, 1973.
Mel'gunov, S. - Krasnyi terror v Rossii. Berlin, 1924.
Reddaway, P. - The Forced Labour Camps in the USSR Today. Brussells, 1973.
Revel, Jean-François - How Democracies Perish. New York, 1984.
Rousset, D. (under the direction of) - Police-State Methods in the Soviet Union. Boston, 1953.
Sargent, W. - Battle for the Mind. A Psychology of Conversion and Brainwashing. New York, London, 1971.
Shapiro, L. -The Communist Party of the Soviet Union. London, 1970.
Semenov, N. - Sovetskii sud i karatel'maia politika. Munchen, 1952.
Serge V. - The Case of Comrade Tulyaev. New York, 1963.
Shifrin, A. - Das Verhor. Uhldingen, 1977.
Shifrin, A. - UdSSR Reisefuhrer durch die Gefangnisse und Konzentrationslager der Sowjetunion. Uhldingen, 1980.
Smith, G., editor - Public Policy and Administration in the Soviet Union. New York, 1980.
Soviet Mental Prisons (in Survey, 111-154, 1971): Accounts by V. Bukovskii, R. Medvedev, Ol'ga Ioffe, P. Grigorenko.
Straus, W. - Nation oder Klasse. 60 Jahre Kampf gegen die Octoberrevolution. Munchen , Wien, 1978.
Struchkov, N. - Kurs ispravitel'no-trudovogo prava. Problemy obschei chasti. Moskva, 1984.
Szamuely, T. - The Russian Tradition. New York, 1975
Timroth, W. von - Russische u. Sowjetische Soziolinguistik u. Tabusierte Varietaten des Russischen (Argot, Jargon, Slang u. Mat), Slavische Beitrage, v. 164,. Munchen, Verlag Otto Gagner, 1983, Viii, 194 p. Paper.
Troitskii, N. - Kontsentratsionnye lageri SSSR. Munchen, 1955.
Ulam, A. - Stalin. The Man and His Era. New York, London, 1974.
Uspenskii (Kostsinskii), K. - Unpublished remarks on the Gulag Handbooks. Harvard, Cambridge, Ma., 1984.
Usherovich, S. - Smertnye kazni v tsarskoi Rossii. Khar'kov, 1933.
VChK. Iz istorii Vserossiiskoi Chrezvychainoi komissii, 1917-1921. Sbornik dokumentov. Moskva, 1958.
Voslensky, M. - Nomenklatura. Anatomy of the Soviet Ruling Class. London, Sydney, Toronto, 1984.
Wat, A. - Moj wiek. Paris, 1979.
Wolfe, B. - Communist Totalitatianism; Keys to the Soviet System. Boston, 1961.
Wolin, S. and Slusser, R. - The Soviet Secret Police. New York, 1957.
Yakovlev, see Iakovlev.
Yushkov, see Iushkov.
Zorin, L. - Soviet Prisons and Concentration Camps. An Annoted Bibliography 1917-1980. Newtonville, Massachusetts, 1980.
Zwangspsychiatrie in der Sovjetunion. Bern, 1974.
5. Воспоминания и художественная литература
Aleshkovskii, Ju. - Kenguru. Ann Arbor, 1981.
Aleshkovskii, Ju. - Ruka. New York, 1980.
Amal'rik, A. - Zapiski dissidenta. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1982.
Amal'rik, A. - Nezhelannoe puteshestvie v Sibir'. New York, 1970.
Andreev, G. - Solovetskie ostrova 1927-1929 (in Grani, 1950/8).
Berger, J. - Le naufrage d'une génération. Paris, 1974.
Bezsonov, Ju. - Mes 26 prisons et mon evasion de Solovetski. Paris, 1928.
Bilins'kyi, A. - V kontstaborakh SRSR 1944-1955. Chicago -Munchen, 1961.
Boikov, M. - Liudi sovetskoi tiur'my, 1-2. Buenos Aires, 1957.
Buber-Neumann, M. - Als Gefangene bei Stalin und Hitler. London, 1949.
Buca, E. - Vorkuta. London, 1976.
Bukovskii, V. - I vozvrashchaetsia veter. New York, 1978.
Chernavin, see Tchernavin.
Cieszek, W. - With God in Russia. New York, 1964.
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