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Briefing held in connection with the Danilov case. 11.11.2004

Foto report

Ernst Cherniy:“ I am in some doubt whether the jurors, in this complicated case, will vote unanimously“.

Yelena Yevmenova: „The jurors were not confronted with the most essential question of all – the question regarding the observance of secrecy of the passed on information. This is a decision of the court decided by nobody else but the judge“.

Alexey Babiy: „When estimating the Danilov case, we must not forget to consider the background and general situation we can presently find everywhere in the country. Just to give two examples: the proposition of the Public Prosecutor Ustinov about the introduction of a ChSIR institute (university for family members of traitors of the fatherland; translator’s note) and the idea of reducing the time to carry out legal proceedings. This means a return of the legal system to how it was practised in the 1930s“.

Vladimir Vedenkov: „The opinion of the Nobel prize-winners, who are specialists in this field, for some reason or other seem to remain unnoticed by the court“.

 Photos taken by Ilya Naymushin (Reuters).
Text by Alexey Babiy

Attachment. Photos showing Valentin Danilov. Author Ilya Naymuzhin