Our work
Ðóññêèé  Deutsch

Project „Moments of History“

The project „Moments of History“ is dedicated to the victims of political repressions.
28th-30th October 2009. Krasnoyarsk. Krasnoyarsk Museum Center.

28th-29th October. Practical training course on problems of  project planning and ist realization in museums.

28th October. Excursion to Museum of Military History of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory.

29th October. Presentation of the book „Trailing Lobelia“ (about repressed Germans in the Krasnoyarsk Territory) and meeting with the Georgiy Nesterenko – the authour of the novel.


30th October. Action „Memory of the heart“

Scientific-explanatory lecture „Local history. Political repressions (1930s – 1950s).

Presentation of the 7th volume (R-S) of the Book of Memory in memoriam of the vistims of political repressions in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Presentation of the exhibition „In a world of two dictatorships“
(scientific information center „Memorial“, Sankt-Petersburg) and expositional project „Political repressions. Galery of  local history“.

Opening of the exhibition „Nordvik-90“

Memorial action „Light a candle“ – wreathes and lit candles were lowered to the waters of the Yenisey River.

Photos: Y. Dmitrienko, N. Zhdanova, A. Babiy, V.Bondareva, A. Katshaev, I. Moiseeva

Photos: Ilya Naimushin (Reuters)
