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Русский  Deutsch

Inauguration of a memorial place in commemoration of the victims of political repression in the village of Pasechnoe, District of Tiukhtet

The entire small population of Pasechnoe came to attend the inauguration
of the memorial place. In June 1933 a party of arrested and dispossessed farmers
were taken to this place from Mordovia – 1200 individuals in all.
Early in the summer of 1934 scarcely 500 of them were still alive.
Today Pasechnoe is inhabited by148 people.

Inauguration of the monument

Margarita Yevstrashkina (Generalova), member of the initiative group,
is delivering a speech. Serafima Generalova,
Anna Yermaikina and Nina Sokolova are part of the group, as well.
They are all – children of exiles.
The group did a good job: its members collected money, designed
sketches, organized the monument’s fabrication, transport and erection.
In this project were neither involved authorities nor political parties or
public organizations.

N.S. Alin, head of the Chindatsk Administration
is delivering a speech.

The son of an exile, A.S. Smolyanov, former inhabitant
of Pasechnoe is rising a speech.


Flowers are being put on the ground.

The Club of Pasechnoe shows– an exhibition of our Books of Memory from the
collection of the Chindatsk Library.
And we donated the library in Pasechnoe volume 11, the one about „Kulaks“.

Little museum inside the club premises

Walls decorated with historic photos.

After the inauguration ceremony of the memorial, the attendees were celebrating the
80th anniversary of the village of Pasechnoe. The members of the
Initiative group received awards, as well.

Afterwards there was a concert. Artists from other district villages had come
to Tiukhtet: from Povarenkino, Krasniki, Leontevki

The local inhabitants engaged in dancing, too.

The weather was none too pleasant….

The musicians were not only remunerated by certificates,
but also beer.

At midnight candles were lit at the monument (during the day it had been stormy and rainy, and the flames had gone out over and over again).
And there was a display of fireworks!

Photos by: Aleksei Babiy
