In this paragraph we name the streams of the first half of 1930, when deportations were still carried through in quite an uncoordinated way, as well as a few later ones, which might in some way be related to the bigger streams described here. We are talking about deportations to our region from areas beyond its boundaries.
In the spring of 1930 the tendency to deport farmers from the middle course of the Angara to its bigger tributaries (Biryussa, Uda, Oka), “downstream” to the north, became noticeable. Thus, the exiles happened to get to our region, to the Kezhma district and even to the Boguchany district. In the second half of that year this stream ceased. During this time a small number of exiles from the districts of what is today called the Irkutsk region was also taken away to the Varginsk mica mines.
In the summer of 1930 farmers from the district of Tayshet were taken into exile to Igarka, and also from the Mariinsk district to Turukhansk. Presumably, these were comparatively small streams in terms of figures.
In March of 1931 they sent a train with exiles from the district of Babayevo, Leningrad region (today Vologdy region), to Transbaikalia. The human freight was unloaded at Mogocha station and then taken to the north, to the settlement of Tupik on the Tungir River (administrative center of the Tungiro-Olyokminsk district). Women with children and old people were kept in Tupik, but all men were forced further to the north (about 150 km), to the Kalar mine (today district of Kalar, Chita region) in the mountains. In the spring of 1932 the men were brought back from Kalar to Tupik. All exiles were sent to Mogocha station, loaded on a train and transported to Krasnoyarsk. From there they were taken down the Yenissey to the north. These exiles were sent to work in the mines of the Nort-Yenissey district. We do not know whether the “confluence“ of this stream with the one from “Rossoshansk“ (see section 4.4) only happened in Transbaikalia or maybe even in another place at an earlier stage.
In the summer of 1933 a train with exiled farmers from the South-Ural, the Chkalov region (today Orenburg) left for Achinsk, where all exiles were unloaded and forced aboard barges, which took them down the Chulym River to the settlement of Polevoy (also see section 4.4).