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Русский  Deutsch

"Memorial" Society, Krasnoyarsk

Write a letter to the physician Valentin Danilov

News 2007

21.12.07 In the context of a discussion project organized by the „Memorial“ Organization, an exchange of views took place in the premises of the Krssnoyarsk Museum Complex of Culture and History yesterday. Subject: “Strange or different?”

31.10.07 Yesterday was solemnized the Day in Commemoration of the Victims of political Repressions in Krasnoyarsk.

On the 29 October 2007, the eve of the Day in Commemoration of the Victims of political Repressions, we affixed a banner in the middle of one of the centrally located places in Krasnoyarsk, the Place of the October Revolution; the banner is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Terror

On the 30 October was held the award ceremony of the regional competition of journalist papers, dedicated to the Great Terror. The presentation took place in the House of Journalists

Opening of the exhibition. Action: “Memory of the Heart”

29.10.07 The presentation of the 5th volume of the Book of Memory in commemoration of the victims of political repression in Krasnoyarsk was held on the 26 October.

16.07.07 The forth expedition of history and human rights organized by the Yeniseysk College of Pedagogics and the Krasnoyarsk “Memorial” organization has come to an end.
Photo report

28.05.07 A creative workshop of staff members of various museums of the western districts of Krasnoarsk territory was carried out in Novobiriliussy on 24 May. It’s motto: “Not to fall into oblivion”. The event was organized by the director of the Biriliussk Museum of Local Lore and one of the members of the Krasnoyarsk “Memorial” organization – Nadezhda Laktionova. In commemoration of the victims of political repression the participants of the creative workshop lowered wreaths and burning candles to the waters of the Chulym river.
Photo report

25.05.07 The presentation ceremony of the participants from the southern districts of Krasnoyarsk territory and the Republic of Khakassia of the Eigth All-Russian Historical Competition for students of the higher grades „Man in History. Russia 20th century” took place in Abakan on 24 May. The event was attended by the deputy chairman of the Krasnoyarsk “Memorial” organization – Valeriy Khvostenko, and the chairman of the Khakassian “Memorial” organization – Nikolai Abdin.

21.05.07 Today, at 2 pm, the presentation of a new enlightenment project of the “Memorial” Organization will be held in the premisses of the Krasnoyarsk Museum Complex of Culture and History (Strelka). It is the very first event within the project, dealing with the presentation of the book “My beloved wife!…”: Sergei Sedov. Letters from exile”.

10.05.07 Presentation ceremony of the winners of the Eigth All-Russian History Competition for students of the higher grades „Man in History . Russia – 20th century”
Photo Report

01.05.07 The regional presentation ceremony of the particpants (from the northern and central districts of the territory) of the Eigth All-Russian History Competition for students of the higher grades „Man in History . Russia – 20th century”, took place in the premisses of the Museum Complex of Culture and History in Krasnoyarsk on April 28.
Photo report

31.03.07 On March 18 the Krasnoyarsk „Memorial“ Organization had its meeting to hear reports and elect new officials. It was decided to:

The following new members were admitted to the Krasnoyarsk “Memorial” Organization:

Furthermore was approved the report of activities given by the board of the Krasnoyarsk “Memorial” Organization on the year 2006. The projects for 2007 were passed. As usual, the meeting ended with a cosy get-together of the attending members - with tea and cake.

09.03.07 Today the Krasnoyarsk „Memorial“ Organization commemorates its 19th anniverary. By and by we intend to publish documents about the history of the organization on our website.

05.03.07 The Krasnoyarsk „Memorial“ Organization took part in the Kytmanovsk Lectures organized by the Yeniseysk Museum of Local Lore, as well as in a school conference, themed “Historic kaleidoscope”, which was carried out by the Jeniseysk College of Pedagogics.