Our work
Ðóññêèé  Deutsch

"Memorial" Society, Krasnoyarsk

Temporary special website for the informative
support of the portal “Human Rights in Russia” (

News 2007

06.11.08 On the 2 November 2008 a memorial stone in the honour of the victims of political repressions was inaugurated in Boguchany.
Photo report


30.10.08 Yesterday a round table conference took place in the premisses of the Museum Complex of Culture and History (Strelka). The subject discussed: “Lessons taught by history – The events in Prague in 1968”.

29.09.08 25.09 the movie theater presented Andrzej Wajda’s film „Katyn“.
Photo report

21.08.08 Today one of the founders of he Krasnoyarsk “Memorial” Organization, who headed the organization for more than 15 years, a remarkable man and true “memorialist” – Vladimir Georgievich Sirotinin – is celebrating his 70th birthday.



17.07.08 The fifth expedition of history and human rights organized by the Yeniseysk College of Pedagogics and the Krasnoyarsk “Memorial” has come to an end in the village of Novokargino.
Photo report



30.05.08 The regional presentation ceremony of the winners of the 9th All-Russian History Competition for students of higher grades „Man in History . Russia – 20th century” was held on the 23 May in the Districts of Shushenskoe and Yermakovskoe
Photo Report

14.05.08 The regional presentation ceremony of the winners of the 9th All_Russian History Competition for students of the higher grades “Man in History . Russia – 20th century” was held today.
Photo Report

11.03.08 On the 9 March the Krasnoyarsk „Memorial“ Organization held its ordinary election. The report and accounts were presented. It was decided to:

It was furthermore resolved to accept the following persons as new members of the Krasnoyarsk “Memorial” Organization

and to terminate the membership of the following persons:

And the most important thing: we celebrated the 20th anniversary of our Krasnoyarsk “Memorial” Organization.

On the 9 March 2008 the Krasnoyarsk “Memorial” Organization will celebrate its 20th anniversary and it will be 10 years since we have first opened our website.

Under the headline of “History” you can read about how everything began. What has been achieved so far?

1. The perpetuation of commemoration of the victims of political repressions

2. Awareness training

3. Research work

4. Support of victims of repressions

5. Actions

20 years later we see that the all the work which has to be done yet, will take another few decades. Let us hope that we will be able to cope with all these tasks.

06.02.08. On the 9 March 2008 the Krasnoyarsk „Memorial“ will celebrate ist 20th anniversary. History of the organization:

05.02.08. On the 9 March 2008 the Krasnoyarsk „Memorial“ will celebrate ist 20th anniversary. History of the organization: